• Question: Does infinity have a centre? Surely it has to start somewhere and grow out from that?

    Asked by anon-244766 to Ondrej, Jordan, Eleanor, Ed, Christine, Alice on 18 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Edward Banks

      Edward Banks answered on 18 Mar 2020:

      How do you want to define centre here? If you mean, is there a point which has as much stuff on one side as it does on the other, then any point of infinity could be considered the centre. Because there’s an infinite amount of stuff on either side of any point.

    • Photo: Eleanor Jones

      Eleanor Jones answered on 18 Mar 2020:

      I suppose it also depends on what type of infinity you mean because if you mean infinity as a number, then “centre” doesn’t make sense. It’s just like asking what is the centre of 1.
