• Question: What is your favourite type of science : chemistry, biology and physics?

    Asked by anon-245175 to Ondrej, Jordan, Ed, Christine, Alice on 6 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Edward Banks

      Edward Banks answered on 6 Mar 2020:

      Has to be Physics for me; while the others are definitely interesting, Physics looks at the very fundamental ways that the universe works which is fascinating to me. Plus, where else do you have the mind-boggling range of scales? From looking at the tiniest particles that make up atoms to looking at entire galaxies; from events that happen in nanoseconds up to the entire lifetime of the universe.

    • Photo: Ondrej Kovanda

      Ondrej Kovanda answered on 6 Mar 2020:

      For me, it’s not so straightforward to separate these. Just imagine – isn’t a living organism full of chemical reactions? Aren’t the rates of these reactions governed by the laws of physics? And then – how do we describe these laws – using our brains, studied by biologists in turn! In my view, these all are connected, and being passionate about one implies loving also the others. Unfortunately, not many people throughout the history had the capacity to perceive reality from all these points of view, and since I’m not one of them, I had to choose only one flavour of science 🙂

    • Photo: Christine Beavers

      Christine Beavers answered on 8 Mar 2020:

      Chemistry- Everything is chemistry! Chemicals are everything. How things react is chemistry.

      You will find that this answer will correlate strongly to what the answerer studied 😁

    • Photo: Jordan McElwee

      Jordan McElwee answered on 9 Mar 2020: last edited 9 Mar 2020 9:47 am

      There are different sub-areas to all of these sciences, some of which (to me) are more interesting than others. But in general my favourite will always be physics! We look at the smallest building blocks of the universe, and then all the way up to looking at how entire groups of galaxies behave. And of course, some of my friends (also physicists) are looking for aliens.. so that’s cool too.
