• Question: when does you body know when to stop making blood

    Asked by anon-245051 to Ed on 10 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Edward Banks

      Edward Banks answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      I’m definitely not a biologist or a doctor so may not be the best person to answer this!
      But blood is not a single thing, it is made up of different types of cells. Organs in your body have certain levels of saturation (again, in various chemicals) at which they work best. Once the levels of blood cells reaches this perfect level (which various parts of the body knows by how many chemicals are being delivered to them by the blood cells), the efficiency of creating these cells will fall off, and they will stop being produced.
      It is important to note that the body doesn’t “know”, or “think” about these things- it just responds to the stimuli it receives.
